Not only THAT - but she criticized Israel for demolishing Arab built buildings in Jerusalem that were built without permits. BTW - The Palestineans and Arabs want Jerusalem as THEIR capital. In case some of you aren't familiar with the set-up in Israel - here's a picture:

The shaded areas used to belong to Israel. The shaded area at the bottom left is Gaza and the big shaded area on the right is the West Bank. Jerusalem is in the middle of Israel just to the West of the West Bank. Jerusalem is under Israeli control and is clearly an Israeli city. So - if someone came in to your city and just started putting up buildings without getting permits - don't you think your city would demolish them too?
Getting back to that check---how many of you out there REALLY think that the almost $1 Billion will go to actually fixing up Gaza? Considering how small Gaza really is - only 175 square miles (25 miles long x 7 miles wide) was it really necessary to give them that much money for "rebuilding?" My county is 8 times that size at 868 sq. mi. - yet - we can't even get more than a couple million out of the government. How much do you want to bet that the majority of that money will find its way to Syria and Iran in order to replenish their armory?
Seriously - I would like to know what the Jewish population who voted for Obama is feeling now? Are you still confident that he supports Israel? I know I warned you guys several times on this blog that he is VERY pro-Palestine and VERY anti-Israel based on his past associations. I sure hope this has opened your eyes.
Israel MUST be allowed to defend itself and its own existence, this is not negotiable.
At the same time, it is American policy that brought HAMAS into power in Palestine. If America had supported Abbas' government (Abbas is way more moderate than Hamas, accepts the need for Israel to exist etc), then the Palestinians would not have voted for HAMAS.
It is like in America where, despite much of world despising G. W. Bush, the people of America still voted him back into power.
The Palestinians CHOSE Hamas in a free election because Abbas' government failed to improve their lives.
Still, even Bush publicly supported a two-states solution to the Middle East Problem, which is what Obama and Clinton are pursuing as well.
You see, America was once good at strengthening the hands of its allies (or the lesser of two evils) in foreign lands. That is no longer the case.
So, when Arafat's party failed to improve the lives of Palestinians (because the Territories basically have no economy to tax for their needs), the people of Palestine, like the people of America, voted for someone else they thought would better protect their interests and that was HAMAS.
The solution lies in recognising the Palestinian right to a free and fair election and respecting their choice BUT then engaging that choice of their to force it to accept a two-states solution.
The problem right now is that both camps, Isrealis and Palestinians, choose in their elections to go with the extreme right (or left, whatever the case may be), because America, which gives US$10 billion to Israel a year has traditionally chosen to make Good the enemy of Perfect.
Bill - Shalom vMashlomech. Sure, you support what Obama and Clinton are trying to do for Israel - but - this is not for Israel. This money will go to rearm the Palestineans and once again give them the ability to continue to wreak havoc on Israel. Do you realize they just gave them just shy of $1 Billion for that tiny piece of land? Like I said, the county I live in is 8 times the size of Gaza. Do you honestly believe it takes $1B to rebuild 125 square miles?
Are you so smitten with the Obamessiah that you can't see they are pro-Palestinean and anti-Israel? Look how much of the country the Israeli's were forced to give up - almost 1/3d. Surely, you can't tell me that as a Jew you are pleased with this? BTW - while I may not be Jewish myself - I am intimately knowledgeable of the culture, country, history, and language. They are doing what they need to do to survive in a very hostile region of this world.
Denford - thanks for stopping by and commenting. I too agree that Israel must be allowed to defend themselves. However, I have been dead set against any Palestinean presence in that region. Palestineans are not a people. They consist of nomadic tribes of Arabs from regions all around Israel. These are the nomadic Philistines mentioned in the bible. Giving them this land amounted to giving squatters and gypsies their own country in America, or any other country for that matter. They got what they wanted through terrorist activities. They were rewarded when they should have been punished.
Unfortunately, we are at a point of no return since America has decided to back the terrorists over Israel. We are now forced to try to broker peace in a region that has not seen peace in well over 2000 years. I don't know why our politicians in D.C. think they have the magic answers to a question that has plagued that region for a very long time. We don't have the answers and throwing piles of money on it that we can't afford is not the answer. Criticizing the only true ally in that region for defending their territory is not the right answer either.
That all appears to be exactly what someone completely inexperienced in foreign affairs would do -- give money to people who are both the sworn enemies of Israel and the U.S.
What else would be expect of a boneheaded Clinton and her handler, good ole B.O.?
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