A big h/t to Texas Fred for this. I put the video up here for all to see. This marine gets it - and - I hope to God that there are more Americans waking up. Listen to these words very carefully and then ask yourself - do you know what is in the Constitution?
Have you been paying attention? I know I have. This infringement did not start with Obama. It didn't start with Bush 43. It didn't even start with Clinton. Infringements upon our constitutional rights began at the same time as the so-called "progressive movement" in the early 1900's. 1913 was a pivitol year for this country. That is when we turned our economy over to private bankers. From that point forward - the government has been taking bits of our freedom away - piece by little piece. Obama likes to compare himself to FDR - well - FDR expanded the size and power of government greater than any President before him. Well - Obama has now expanded the powers of Government even greater than FDR could possibly have imagined.
Watch this video and listen carefully. Are you awake yet?
Election Integrity Seminar, January 17, 2023
*To Register follow this link*
*Rod's Comment:* This seminar is being put on by the Davidson County
Election Commission. I know this is short notice for...
2 years ago
1913 the year that we started the unconstitutional federal reserve. Our dollar was worth 96% more then than it is now. Nice Pauly, props on knowing the history.
My boy Ron Paul introduced legislation to audit the Fed - HR 1207. I called my representative and two senators yesterday to tell them about it.
Actually the federal bank was disbanded by Andrew Jackson in 1834. That was when private bankers took over.
Anonymous - yes - Jackson did disband the Federal bank in 1832, not 1834 - and it was the central bank - not the Federal Bank. He disbanded the Central Bank for the very reason we need to get rid of the Federal Reserve - because there was too much power over the economy in one Central Bank. He did the right thing then and we should do the right thing now be de-centralizing the Federal Reserve. The Central Bank and our currency in 1832 was on the verge of being controlled by foreign interests (private bankers). Jackson wrote this:
"A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."
Essentially, the 1913 law that put the Federal Reserve in place reversed Jackson's disbanding of the Central Bank. The Central Bank was not controlled by the Federal government either.
Anonymous - Jackson ran on the platform of disbanding the central bank (and eliminating our debt in the process) the Federal Reserve was essentially a redo of the central bank.
Thanks for the back-up SKW
Hey on this subject Pauly, I got your back :)
"It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued; and that no form of government whatever has any other value than as it may be fitted for the attainment of this object. Were the plan of the convention adverse to the public happiness, my voice would be, Reject the plan. Were the Union itself inconsistent with the public happiness, it would be, Abolish the Union."
– James Madison,
The Federalist No. 45
That's a quote that can be used by both sides. ;)
JWP - an interesting quote indeed. However, I don't suppose the happiness of the people at this time is to be disarmed and stripped of their 2nd Amendment rights.
Rats...the video has been removed. :(
Well that sucks! I wonder why he pulled it down?
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